Get 40 Videos to Create Stunning Animated Sales Videos, Tutorials and Whiteboard Presentations to Sell Your Products, Services & Dusty PLR!

Finally... Increase Your Sales Conversions, Opt-In Rates, Bring New Life into Your PLR Products and Sell High Ticket Offers with Ease! Turn 'Quiet' Sales Letters into a Sales Machine, Out-Perform Your Competitors and Line Your Pockets with Cash!

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Thursday 9th of May
From Francis Rako and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

The hardest challenge you will face in your business is getting people's attention and convincing prospects to buy your product. I mean think about it... why do the products with the most sales, highest gravity scores, most reviews and "products of the day"... sell so well?

Because they have the most convincing sales pages. Period.

Yes they have great products too, but let's not delude ourselves here... the sales page is where the sales are made... irrelevant of the product.

Here's the thing... If you can create ONE successful sales page, you can create ANOTHER... and another... and another. Pretty soon you'll have an entire funnel that converts affiliate traffic and paid traffic round the clock, all year round.

But what surprises me is how many entrepreneurs AVOID working on their sales page and look elsewhere for the magic bullet?


Why Your Sales Page DOES NOT Sell Well...

The hardest part of your online business is often found the most subtle things. Most of what leads to a sale is 1) getting people's attention and 2) convincing them to buy your (or someone elses) product.

Let's assume for a second that you have the right people on your list... and let's also assume your product fits their needs.

The only thing that stands in the way between your customer and product is your sales page. They need the product, you know they need it, but they're not entirely convinced to buy.

But what exactly is it that YOU need to do to your sales page?...

Do you need to write better headlines?... Better sales copy?... Write a video script?... Produce a sales video?... Take screenshots?... Work on your images? Design cover graphics?... What?...

The answer to this is yes. You need to do EVERYTHING. And do it very well. The job of your sales page is to present your product in the best light possible to minimize the resistance of a sale.


Everyone loves to be informated and entertained and a video will stop your visitors in their tracks.

Learn to create animated explainer videos or at the very least slide presentations. This will present your product in the best light and help tremendously with sales.

Your video doesn't have to be perfect. What's more important is that you get your message out there and let your visitors 'vibe' with you before asking them to place an order.


Now that you know this, the real question is... “What Are YOU Going To Do About It?...”

Are you going to look for the next shiny object?... Are you going to look for another quick fix?... Are you going to over-contemplate it and not take action?... Or are you going to work on the skills that truly matter?

There is NO substitute for a good sales page. Every blog, website, affiliate landing page, banner ad, text ad, video ad, squeeze page, search engine page listing etc. leads to... you guessed it... a sales page. A sales page that convinces people to buy.

This is why we've put together 40 video lessons to help you create exciting sales video that engage visitors... slow down skim readers... increase the value of your offer without changing the product... attract more traffic with visual appeal... convince more people to sign up... improve the profitability of your sales funnel... and ultimately lead to a healthy online business that will last you for years to come.


Lesson 1 - Vyond Overview

Vyond, formerly Go Animate, is a cloud-based application that allows you to create animated images for various purposes. This video gives an overview of some of the actions you can perform using Vyond application.

Lesson 2 - Vyond Plans

In this video, we are going to look at the pricing of the Vyond application. Beyond plans have free trials where you can work through before selecting a plan. You can either select the Vyond Essential and the Vyond Premium.

Lesson 3 - Vyond Resources

In this video, we'll show you how to create a video using the Vyond application. You will learn how to customize your video using elements like characters, props, chats, texts, audio, or music to your scene.

Lesson 4 - InterfaceTimeline

Vyond application opens up with a scene in a timeline. In this video, we'll show you how to adjust the timeline's appearance by customizing it using elements like music, sizing, etc.

Lesson 5 - Adding Templates

Vyond has a number of templates that you can add to your timeline. In this video, we'll show you how to add templates to your Vyond timeline and adjust your timeline as well.

Lesson 6 - Character Library

In this video, we'll show you how to add and delete characters from your Vyond scene using the character Library.

Lesson 7 - Character Properties Part 1

You can dictate what your character does and how he interacts inside the scene. In this video, we'll show you how to designate actions to a character and change your characters facial expressions in your video.

Lesson 8 - Character Properties Part 2

You can add character dialogue so that the character will move its mouth along with the dialogue. In this video, we'll show you how to add and remove character dialogue on your scene.

Lesson 9 - Character Properties Part 3

You can determine how your character moves in the inside scene. This video shows you how to determine your character's movements within your scene, including entry, exit, etc.

Lesson 10 - Prop Library

Vyond has a prop library which you can see inside your dashboardin this video, we'll show you how to add props to your video canvas.

Lesson 11 - Prop Properties

Whenever you add props to your canvas, those props have properties. In this video, you will learn how to add entry and exit effects to your added prop.

Lesson 12 - Chart Properties Part 1

You can add a chart library into your canvas. In this video, we'll show you how to add and customize chats on your video canvas.

Lesson 13 - Chart Properties Part 2

You can change the text colour in your chart. In this video, we'll show you how to add motion effects and change text colours on your chart.

Lesson 14 - Text Library

Vyond has a text library. In this video, you will learn how to use texts for the business-friendly template, the whiteboard animation template, and the contemporary template.

Lesson 15 - Text Properties

In this video, we'll show you how to add motion effects and paths to your texts on your canvas.

Lesson 16 - Scene Transitions

While working with Vyond, you need to be aware of your scene transitions. In this video, you will learn how to set up and remove your scene transitions.

Lesson 17 - Differences with Whiteboard Animations Part 1

Whiteboard animation videos are slightly different from business-friendly animated videos. In this video, we'll show you how to work through a whiteboard animation template.

Lesson 18 - Differences with Whiteboard Animations Part 2

You can use Whiteboard animations with both charts and text. In this video, you will learn how to animate your chats and texts using whiteboard animation.

Lesson 19 - Adding in the Camera to Zoom

In some cases, your Vyond scene might have a camera effect that you may add. In this video, you will learn how to add a camera effect to your scene.

Lesson 20 - Basic Summary

In this video, we'll show you how to preview and download your final video from Vyond.

Lesson 21 - Vyond Overview

This video gives an overview of working with each aspects of Vyond. In this course, you'll explore how to script a video and add a Vyond timeline fashion.

Lesson 22 - Video Script from Existing Video

In this video, you will learn how to create a video script from an existing video. You can either use your own video creations or videos you have authority to work with.

Lesson 23 - Video Script from Existing Audio

You can create an audio script from an existing audio. In this video, we will explore some other additional services that you can use to transcribe your video including, Trent, and

Lesson 24 - Creating Video scripts from Existing Article Document

You can create a video script from an existing article document. In this video, we'll show you how to create a video script from an existing article in a word document.

Lesson 25 - Creating Video Scripts from an Existing PowerPoints

You can create a video script from an existing PowerPoint presentation. In this video, we'll take you through the process of creating a video script from an existing PowerPoint Presentation.

Lesson 26 - Structuring your Script and Storyboard Document

In this video, we'll show you how to convert your word document in the outline form into an MS PowerPoint document that you will use for your storyboard and your script.

Lesson 27 - Setting up for the Audio Recording and Voiceover Process

Slideshow view helps you look at your entire presentation at a glance. In this video, we'll show you how to record your PowerPoint presentation using the slideshow view.

Lesson 28 - Narration of your Audio Script

Audacity is software that allows one to record and edit an audio file. In this video, we will show you how to add and edit audio to your PowerPoint video presentation using Audacity.

Lesson 29 - Creation of Scene Timings

While using your video editing software, you can use Camtasia in this video, we'll show you how to time your video scenesin a PowerPoint presentation.

Lesson 30 - Uploading the Audio to Vyond

To make a video inside Vyond, you need to use a particular timeline. In this video, we'll show you how to upload an audio to your timeline.

Lesson 31 - Adding in Music

In this video, we will show you how to add relevant music to your audio. You will also learn how to adjust your timeline and volume.

Lesson 32 - Scene Theme Selections

Slide times enables placing of scenes inside the video. In this video, we'll show you how to add slide timings and how to swap slide themes.

Lesson 33 - Storyboarding Scenes

You are going to use the script that you created in order to work through each scene. In this video, we'll show you how to match your narrated script to each scene using the elements in Vyond.

Lesson 34 - Business Contemporary Vs Whiteboard Style

It is difficult to match audios and dialogues using the coloured contemporary and business templates. In this video, we'll show how to use whiteboards style animations to match your audios with words easily.

Lesson 35 - Storyboarding Whiteboard Style Videos

When you are storyboarding whiteboard style videos, you can use some of your timings to write in the words from your scripts. In this video, you will learn how to add texts directly to your timeline using a whiteboard style video script.

Lesson 36 - Adding Images to Whiteboard Style Videos

Texts inside images might conflict with those outside the image, making it difficult to animate your video. In this video, you will learn how to animate slides with images containing texts.

Lesson 37 - Adding the Camera and Exit Effect to Images

When working with images, you can add variety to your videos using some varieties. In this video, you will learn how to add camera and a variety of effects to your video.

Lesson 38 - Changing the Background and the Text

In this video, you will learn how to change the background of each scene in your animated video by changing the base colour or adding in a picture background.

Lesson 39 - Adding Scene Transitions to Sync Up Your Audio and Video

Sometimes, you might find out that your audio and your slide don't match. In this video, we'll show you how to add transitions to match up your audio with your slide.

Lesson 40 - Conclusion

This video explores quick summary of the basics of setting up whiteboardvideos. The next step that follows after completing the videos is to preview your video for the final presentation.


You Can Easily Double, Even Triple Your Conversion Rates with a Simple Animated Video.

If you're not using videos in your business to help sell or pre-sell your products, services or recommendations then you're missing out on sales big time! ...

More importantly... you're wasting the existing traffic you're sending to those pages because you can quite easily double, if not triple your conversion rates with a simple video.

You don't have to be a videographer, have an artistic eye, or write scripts like a movie producer. Thankfully, there are some basic steps that anyone can follow to create quality content that leads to traffic and sales quickly and easily.


Still Unsure if these Tutorials are for You?... Here's How Professional Sales Videos Will Help Increase Your Sales and Grow Your Business...

You'll impress your customers, they'll remember the experience and buy more from you
You'll stand out from competitors who only sell digital products on 'quiet' sales pages
Your sales funnel will become more profitable
Affiliates and JV partners will want to promote you (for the long term)
You'll gain more authority in the marketplace
You'll be able to cross-promote your more expensive products
Customers will trust you and you'll increase your back-end sales
You'll be able to bring new life back into your existing digital products including unused PLR


Your Purchase is Backed by Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Our training videos were created for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.

When you invest in this course today you're backed by a ‘No Like No Buy’ guarantee. If you feel that these videos did not help you in anyway then send us an email requesting for a full and prompt refund.

How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


It Couldn't be Easier! Watch, Learn and Apply what you Need to Know... When you Need to Know it!

You have absolutely every reason to become successful online and with all this knowledge at your fingertips nothing will hold you back.

Use your new found knowledge to learn, grow and expand so you can attract more prospects, customers and clients.

Listen... it's not about trying to re-invent the wheel. Sometimes all it takes is knowing how to work with what's already in front of you to get the results you need.

Secure your videos now and you can start watching and applying these powerful methods within minutes from now! Click the order button below to get started...

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Secure Your Order Now and Get 40 Videos to Create Animated Sales Videos, Tutorials and Whiteboard Presentations... to Sell Your Products, Services and Dusty PLR with Ease!

Increase Your Conversions, Opt-In Rates, Bring New Life into Your PLR Products and Sell High Ticket Offers! Turn 'Quiet' Sales Letters into a REAL Sales Machine, Out-Perform Your Competitors and Line Your Pockets with Cash!

Regular Price $27 Your Price Only $9.95

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Vyond Animation Tricks


To Your Success! Francis Rako and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Francis has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Francis is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for beginners and has recently turned to coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. Vyond Animation Tricks is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems every entrepreneur will face.

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